Looking for Assistant Football and Baseball Job


11-man fan
I'm a new member at the board here and I am posting because I am looking for a, assistant football and baseball job.

I am currently employed at Spur High School where I have been working as an assistant football, girls basketball, and track coach. I have worked primarily as an offensive/defensive line coach, and a defensive coordinator at the Jr. High and J.V. Level.

I have 3 years of expereince at this point, prior to working at Spur I was a member of the 2008 Rotan staff that made the playoffs in football.

I have attached a copy of my resume to this e-mail. I'm looking forward to finding something new.
Considering the current economic conditions
and Spur being one of those quality places to work
I'd say count your blessings you have a job at all
and stay put!
Unless your teaching field is HS math, science composite and spanish.
3 years isn't really enough time to establish a program.
Hey I know some places that are going to be looking for baseball coaches and assistant football. Send me a pm and I'll tell you about them
Anything new guys? I have been putting in at different places and not having much luck. If you know of anything please let me know. I'd really appreciate it.
I thought you were a shoe in
at Bear's contacts?

Better have a plan B
that isn't a school job
or just stay put
for another year.

I have dozens of apps out
and the Supe's I've spoken with
say they are averaging 50+
apps for each position.
Finding a volunteer/stipend only position shouldn't be that hard.

You also better get Math and Science certified
or just go to the end of the line right now.