Jack Pardee

I read this and was coming online to post. Very sad news on the greatest six-man player the world's ever known.

I am hoping the Coach's Association can honor him in some way at the State Games this year...my idea is creating a Life Time Achievement award in his name...thoughts???
I had the chance to speak with him on two different occasions. He spoke to the Coaches Association back in the 80's at Stephenville. Afterwards he visited with coaches there at the hotel. The other time was when he was inducted to the Associations' Hall of Fame.
Is there a way that 6man could call the state champ trophies The Jack Pardee Trophy? You know, like the NFL calls it the Super Bowl trophy the Lombardi Trophy?
rainjacktx":2g9xaf5s said:
Is there a way that 6man could call the state champ trophies The Jack Pardee Trophy? You know, like the NFL calls it the Super Bowl trophy the Lombardi Trophy?
That is a great idea.......
rainjacktx":dwplf3te said:
Is there a way that 6man could call the state champ trophies The Jack Pardee Trophy? You know, like the NFL calls it the Super Bowl trophy the Lombardi Trophy?

Rainjack, your statement struck a chord with me. I am going to take back all the negative thoughts that I have had about you. If that idea could be brought to fruition I would be behind it 100%.

Back years ago, when San Angelo College first became Angelo State University, I had a dorm mother there who was good friends with Jack Pardee and his folks and she had all good things to say about him growing up and his high school football days.

The 2012 Jack Pardee Sixman Division II State Championship Trophy

Now that has a ring to it!
Fantastic idea about renaming the state championship to the Jack Pardee Trophy. I'll put my money up to help it happen. rainjacktx that is a freaking brilliant idea!

News of Pardee even made the paper here in Toronto. Very sad indeed.
True, but then they (Christoval) went as far as you could go in '52 and were undefeated.
Let's take a vote and declare them state champions and their Regional trophy the state champs trophy.
Im not sure I would say the State Trophy... How about player of the year? That way its the same trophy passed around year in year out. Should have Jack carved out in his old Christoval uniform.
My dad played baseball with Jack Pardee. Dad (Billy C. Wrinkle) would hitchhike from Bronte to San Angelo to play ball during the summer. He told stories of all Jack wanted to do was play ball that he always had time for the kids. My dad has passed on or he would be telling them again..
Dad said he was the best ball player to ever pick up any ball.
And the best sportsman ever…
Not that the time is right but if anyone wanted to....they could go to http://www.newspaperarchive.com- The Big Spring Hearld is part of their database archive. I did a rough search this morning 1949-1952 on Jack Pardee and saw where there were at least 8 tags on different dates for him when he played at Christoval.

Oct 21st 1951
Nov 16th 1951
Dec 19th 1951
Oct 31st 1952
Nov 16 1952
Nov 23rd 1952
Nov 25th 1952
Dec 7th 1952

This wasnt all of them.

I'd share them but you can't view them without a subscription and im saving my money for shotwell.....
Had the opportunity (certainly not the pleasure) of watching Jack play in high school. We had as good a defense as I have ever seen in all my years of 6man football and he ran thru us like paper. He has always been a good man off the field as well as on and I've admired him for well over 50 years. I've always heard that when he graduated, he wanted to play at San Angelo College(now ASU) but was told he couldn't make it in college. Bear Bryant took a chance and as the saying goes: you know the rest of the story. Dont't know if that was correct but I've always heard that from good sources.
My prayers are with the Pardee family.
I had several uncles who played against him all 4 years he was in high school. They had nothing but good things to say about him. Christoval was the only team that beat GC in the 1952 season.