Bad start for Div 2- Dist. 6 UGH


11-man fan
Ugh-- not sure when was the last time all the teams in this district got shunked the first games of the season. From being picked by 45 to win to a 13 point underdog. Things can only get better. What the hell happened, this really sucks. I see no Sanderson Eagle sprit here and I know Sanderson is a sic'em town. Time to pull up the boots and get out the whop as% juice Eagles!!!!!
Go Eagles
peace n love
FORGETABOUTIT EAGLES!! Throw last saturday's game into the trash. It's over with. Let's get ready for the B.V. Longhorns. Let's get that first district win. Play hard and good things will come about!! Don't get down on yourselves if you make some early mistakes. Play HARD and as a TEAM and the outcome will be an EAGLE victory!! Sounds like there is gonna be a large EAGLE fan base at the game at B.V. Good Luck EAGLES. All of Sanderson is behind you!!
Get off Sanderson's jock! they are not half the team they were in the past years, to make things a little better though, neither are any of the other teams in the district! A once very strong district is in a rebuild era. Talent wise, the BEARS of balmorhea with a new coach and a semi experienced team look to put themselves back towards the top. but do they have it in them? this is a challenge from me to the BALMORHEA BEARS! as for the SANDERSON EAGLES, very young and now its time to grow up and make the best with what yall have! DELL CITY from what i understand just pulled a team together so i have no idea if they have been practicing or not but you cant go there and expect them to just give you a win! they usually have some fight in them(not to mention the refs on their sides as well). BUENA VISTA is young as well, but didn't loose too much yet didn't have alot to loose either. loosing there coach and being so young might phase the longhorns and might just set them back a step behind the rest of the district. last but not least, GRANDFALLS COWBOYS, they bring back quite a bit of raw talent, speed, and quickness but like a few other teams in the district, not their head coach. with a new coach, and all the ability they return, who knows what to expect. one thing is certain in my opinion though, the district will be interesting because there is no flat out favorite! if i had to choose the way it will fall out i would have it a little like this.....

1&2. Balmorhea/Grandfalls
3. Sanderson
4.Dell City
5.Buena Vista

and to any team members of any of these teams that may feel offended by this, please don't and instead of taking it as a negative, use this as fuel to get the district back to what it once was! Good luck to all the teams & let the best team(s) win and advance to Playoffs!