Articles on Fort Davis in Austin paper


Six-man expert
I meant to post these the yesterday. I think there was another article on a six-man town, but I cannot find it online.<P>Former plumber making brooms in Fort Davis <A></A> <P>Funky hotel meshes with Texas experience <A></A>
We ate at the Indian Lodge when we went out to Fort Davis at Spring Break; good food. One interesting note. They had a sign up that said that action by state legislature now permitted diners to leave tips for the wait staff (state employees).<P>Nice town, but from what I understand between Marfa and Ft. Davis, real estate is going through the roof.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lifegatesports:<BR><STRONG><BR>Nice town, but from what I understand between Marfa and Ft. Davis, real estate is going through the roof.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>For the love of God....WHY????
I've wondered that myself. Apparently there's been a lot of snooty Californians moving in and buying everything up. I saw an average sized house for $675,000. I'd definitely pass on that. I don't think I could stand to be around all those smug Californians that like the smell of their own farts.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Old Bearkat:<BR><STRONG><P>For the love of God....WHY????</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Well, it ain't just the Californians. Downtown Marfa looks like it came out of North Dallas with artsy-f-artsy coffee shops and art galleries. Saw some pictures of homes for sale in that town near six figures. In this town, they'd be condemned by the health department ... or at least two of those six figures would be behind the decimal point.<P>The rif-raff is coming from Austin and Dallas.<P>Or so I'm told ...<P>John
I know Jeff Bezos is building a spaceport near Van Horn, but other than the oil patch, what are these people doing for a living out there? I can't see Kalifornians working as roughnecks or roustabouts. (or even Austin riff-raff for that matter)<p>[ July 13, 2006: Message edited by: Old Bearkat ]
These people are not oil field trash or other forms of riff-raff, but the new money people looking to make the next trend setting location. Think Aspen, CO of the eighties, Jackson Hole, WY of the nineties. We now have the Marfa, Texas in the oughts. (How does one properly spell 00s, as in double ought buckshot?) The next decade will bring about the ruination of some other pristine, out-of-the-way, beatiful spot of God's creation.<P>I feel empowered to use the terms "oil field trash" and "riff-raff" since I am or have been both of them at one time or another!<p>[ July 13, 2006: Message edited by: gohorns40 ]