Recent content by coachlife

  1. C

    Exchanging game film

    Do yoy guys believe that it is not ethical to exchange game film with someone that played someone that you are goimg to be playing. I have found some coaches that get upset that you get film on them from someone else. They much rather that you swap film with each other. I feel that if im trying...
  2. C

    who will be the top 2 teams

    Does anybody else have anything to add to this post TCAL started 2-A-Day today who are your pick for this season
  3. C

    who will be the top 2 teams

    Yes I agree with you on Granbury they may have 2 seniors leaving but they do have good coaching. I believe Coach Bobby Johnson is their coach. I believe he will have his team ready to play. I see the district lined up as followed: 1.Stephenville Faith (they are the top dogs until someone...
  4. C

    who will be the top 2 teams

    Ok lets look at some of these TCAL districts and see who we think will come out on top for each district. Which team do you think will end up at the bottom of each district. Are there any of these teams that may not win their district but will be a team that everyone will need to watch out for...
  5. C

    who will be the top 2 teams

    Ok lets look at some of these TCAL districts and see who we think will come out on top for each district. Which team do you think will end up at the bottom of each district. Are there any of these teams that may not win their district but will be a team that everyone will need to watch out for...
  6. C

    New School Talent

    Does anybody know anything about this new school Arlington Newman Academy. I know they have Coach Ivy as their football coach. Anybody know anything about him or the school. I heard he was very animated on the sideline during football and basketball. Its just as fun watching him coach as it is...