Recent content by CoachBru

  1. CoachBru

    Who will shock the world

    I agree, very well coached and loads of talent.
  2. CoachBru

    Petersburg needs 1 assistant girls coach.

    Petersburg is looking for 1 girls assistant, competitive salary, and stipends plus 15 days at your daily rate. Teaching field is open at this point, we are looking for the best fit for our school and our kids. Email: Scotty Bruington [email protected]
  3. CoachBru

    Team Logos

    Petersburg Logo.
  4. CoachBru

    Jayton Classic schedule?

  5. CoachBru

    11 Man to 6 Man

    The PM I received was blank.
  6. CoachBru

    11 Man to 6 Man

    How difficult is the transition from 11 man to 6 man???