The rest of the discussion--Super Bowl and whatever


Six-man pro
coachbronk":2luasyyu said:
You know we should all stop and say thank you to DC and their girls basketball program, especially their former head coach, for this topic.

I can't remember the last time I saw a hot topic like this on the message boards in late January.

That's sarcasm by the way...

Bronk ... I heard there was going to be some sort of crowded field football game on TV this Sunday. You heard anything about it?
StC Wildcat":lz1ahimx said:
I am with you, John. How dead does a horse have to be before its left alone?

How about this one:

I remember, one time, at band camp ... ... ...

Wait a minute, brother ... I thought you were in gangs as a kid? This might just be a good story ...
BE":27wzjglb said:
I'm hoping for a low scoring, close game with tons of good sportsmanship, class and christ-like behavior. :) Seriously. :wink:
Keep it real, Dog. (gang sign) :oops:

I am hoping that the Cardinals walk all over them and beat by like 100.
allforhim":23fbasmf said:
Coachbronk are you a Cowboy fan and upset because my STEELERS beat them, or was it Tony Romo lost it for them :D

Former Cowboy fan here. The Steelers beat them fair and square this year. I will become a 'Boys fan when a certain loud mouthed receiver leaves and if their owner can get a clue that chemistry matters. Until then, I am shopping for a team.
lifegatesports":1gjp2dql said:
The Covenant team had only 8 players ... no JV, Freshman team. Not uncommon among smaller private schools

OK, thanks. It sounds likely to me that they faced a "University of Houston" problem as I previously described. Houston chose to stop short of telling their players to quit playing hard and it sounds like this 100 point team may have faced the same situation and also chose to play hard.

I agree with you in that I have little interest in this subject other than I find it amazing how misguided are some of the conclusions that I am hearing.
coachbronk":3la3bm1r said:
allforhim":3la3bm1r said:
Coachbronk are you a Cowboy fan and upset because my STEELERS beat them, or was it Tony Romo lost it for them :D

Former Cowboy fan here. The Steelers beat them fair and square this year. I will become a 'Boys fan when a certain loud mouthed receiver leaves and if their owner can get a clue that chemistry matters. Until then, I am shopping for a team.

And until you get your head out of the Liberal Media's ass and acutally watch the games you won't ever be informed? Do you even watch? How can you blame it on T.O.? They don't even to try to throw down field, it doesn't matter what he does they can't get him (or any other WR) the ball. Some cowboys fan you are jumping ship, oh well good luck with your next team...let me suggest the Lions...I was told they have the best chemistry in the history of the NFL. Also they turn the other check when teams beat them ALL 16 GAMES, sounds like your kind of team.
Easy wife is from Pittsburg so I have been a converted Steeler fan for a while. That being said I do like the Cowboys also :? I watched just about every game...I am not a TO fan but I don't think that he is the only problem. I believe that the biggest problems lie in the head coach not being a real head coach, the offensive coordinator calling plays that my 7th grader could read and a VERY overrated quarterback that threw a lot passes to the wrong team all season long. Amazing that him and Quincy Carter have almost the same record. :(

With all that being said "GO STEELERS!!!!!"
HighwayRobbery":3kknryte said:
coachbronk":3kknryte said:
allforhim":3kknryte said:
Coachbronk are you a Cowboy fan and upset because my STEELERS beat them, or was it Tony Romo lost it for them :D

Former Cowboy fan here. The Steelers beat them fair and square this year. I will become a 'Boys fan when a certain loud mouthed receiver leaves and if their owner can get a clue that chemistry matters. Until then, I am shopping for a team.

And until you get your head out of the Liberal Media's ass and acutally watch the games you won't ever be informed? Do you even watch? How can you blame it on T.O.? They don't even to try to throw down field, it doesn't matter what he does they can't get him (or any other WR) the ball. Some cowboys fan you are jumping ship, oh well good luck with your next team...let me suggest the Lions...I was told they have the best chemistry in the history of the NFL. Also they turn the other check when teams beat them ALL 16 GAMES, sounds like your kind of team.

Highway Robber, I do watch the games and I watch the game inside the game. TO is a cancer in the lockerroom. He is a devisive force and eats away at the core integrity of a team. He has been in all 3 stops, San Fran, Philly and Dallas. Of course, being that you are TO apologists, you can't seem to see that since your head is squarely up his rear. Take the blinders off son and grow up. Do you know that TO has led the league in drops each of the last 2 years? He gets plenty of footballs thrown to him, he just needs to catch them.

Thanks for the heads up on the Lions, I can say one thing for that team, at least they fought week in and week out with by far the least talented group of players, unlike the Boys who have more talent on their roster than 90% of the league, but yet laid down week after week down the stretch when it mattered. They did a great job in the Philly game for that last playoff spot.
After the Philly game maybe the Cowboys should play the DA they need to play someone that they can beat :lol:...EASY die hard cowboy fans I am only joking!!!
allforhim":1iopkxvz said:
After the Philly game maybe the Cowboys should play the DA they need to play someone that they can beat :lol:...EASY die hard cowboy fans I am only joking!!!

Remeber the flyer from the Cowboys of the late 80's:

"Will the lady who left her 11 children at Texas Stadium please come and pick them up. They're beating the Dallas Cowboys 14-0."

Of course, I remember (and love) this one.

A mother and father are in divorce court, with their attorneys arguing who should get custody of their son.

The judge decides that it would be best to ask the boy, so he says, "Son, would you like to live with your mother?"

The boy says, "No, Your Honor."

Judge replies, "And why would that be, son?"

"Because she beats me," says the kid.

"Okay," says the judge, "Would you like to live with your father?"

Again, the boy says, "No, Your Honor."

And the judge says, "Why not?"

The boy answers, "Because he beats me, too."

"Alright," intones the jurist, "Who would you like to live with?"

"The Chicago Bears," offers the boy.

"The Chicago Bears! And why the Chicago Bears?" exclaimes the judge.

Boy says, "'Cause they don't beat nobody."
coachbronk":1jhzc20m said:
Highway Robber, I do watch the games and I watch the game inside the game. TO is a cancer in the lockerroom. He is a devisive force and eats away at the core integrity of a team. He has been in all 3 stops, San Fran, Philly and Dallas. Of course, being that you are TO apologists, you can't seem to see that since your head is squarely up his rear.

Let me ask you one thing, what has T.O. done? To quote him after Superbowl 39 "If I was Brett Favre, you'd be calling me a hero." One of the wisest things I've ever heard a sports star say, and it's so true. Also I know what you are going to say about "Oh T.O. is cancer blah blah blah" but what about Moss and the Pats? Moss has been "bad" over his career, he comes to NE and they are arguably the most dominating team in the History of the NFL, and please don't see he lost them the Superbowl or something stupid like that.

coachbronk":1jhzc20m said:
Take the blinders off son and grow up. Do you know that TO has led the league in drops each of the last 2 years? He gets plenty of footballs thrown to him, he just needs to catch them.

First of all tell me how you keep drops ball as a stat? Some balls are thrown and you get a hand on them, but does that mean it's your fault? I mean define that for me, I don't think you can keep drop balls as a stat. Second I watch, I see teams CONSTANTLY put 8 in the box, blitz Romo till he's blue in the face, and he chokes every single team. All 3 DC in the division the last 2 years (Jim Johnson, Spagz, and forget the Skins guy) LOVED to blitz and it always turned out bad for Dallas. Sure Romo plays great against bad teams (who wouldn't with all those weapons), but all you have to do is blitz the crap out of him and he turns to mush.
I hear echoes of Steven Baca - ism ... ... ...

I am not the moderator, but lets put this Dallas Cowboys drivel on another thread and get back to the business of bashing our own private schools.

C'mon guys, where's your Christianity??
HighwayRobbery":jdx410kn said:
Second I watch, I see teams CONSTANTLY put 8 in the box, blitz Romo till he's blue in the face, and he chokes every single team. Sure Romo plays great against bad teams (who wouldn't with all those weapons), but all you have to do is blitz the crap out of him and he turns to mush.

Sniff sniff... That's my quarterback, man.... sniff sniff... don't talk about my quarterback.... sniff.

Dropped passes can be kept as stats just like errors in baseball... Just because the ball hits your hand doesn't necissarily make it a drop... if you lay out for one and you get a fingertip on it, it's not a drop... but if they hit you square in the hands and you can't hold on, it's a drop. Sure its a judgement call... but there are people much smarter than you or I that are much less biased, and are able to keep the stats. Most people can tell the difference between a drop and a bad throw. And trust me, for a big time, prime time, show stopper like TO, he has had more than his fair share of drops. I think you can probably bring them all up in a compilation video on youtube.
Perception is people's reality. And while TO was no doubt walking the straight and narrow and playing team ball his first couple years here, this year went south for him and he is beginning to get his old rep back as a "me first" player. I think he would do well at another team, and Dallas would hopefully be able to get quite a bit for him.