New coach help

Hello im looking for some help from the coaches
ive just recently accepted a head coaching job and im curious as to what the general offseason workout plan consists of for most coaches with the exceotion of weights

also other than the video's on youtube is there any other place to acquire game film, im not looking for anything specific just to help with some ideas i have coach underwoods book but other than that i havent been able to find much in terms of diffrent formations and such
any help would be greatly appreciated this is my first rodeo
Hello Caoch......where will you be coaching at if you do not mind saying? I am sure you will get some posts on this thread after Christmas is over. Everyone is just busy right now. LOL

Merry Christmas to you and yours and may your team have a great season next year.

Hi coach. Welcome to the ranks. I was in your same boat this past season. I am more than willing to help but I'm not sure you will want to take any advice from a 2-7 coach :lol:
Coach Bomber, I'm looking forward to my second year next year so I can relate.
If you have Underwoods book you have the foundation. EVERYTHING else is based on the type of players you will have next year. In HS FB you go with who ya got. Study your players as much as the book. Pick your formations and plays accordingly. Don't worry about quantity of plays. Watch your players run the same play repeatedly. There is always some kind of varience that they bring into the play.
You will end up running the plays that work so scrap the old one's as you go to keep that playbook manageable. Don't neglect the special teams. IMHO 6-man workouts don't need to be so position oriented because of how players play so many different positions. Whatever you can do to get the guys into their best shape will work.
In a short period of time I've observed many good coaches and I haven't seen any magic wands yet. What I have seen is basic football. Some of it is done better mechanically that's all.
THE MOST NEGLECTED AREA for new coaches is in their relationships with their student-athletes. Put just as much effort into this as you do everything else. You are there for them not the other way around. Examine why you want to be a teacher. Do your best and your personal brand of success will find you.
Great advice ... and to learn more about the game, find the quality 6 man programs and meet and talk with those guys ... as an old friend of mine told me, 6 man coaches will tell you EVERYTHING (as opposed to crowded field coaches, who will tell you about 80% of what they do).

Get to some of the clinics this spring and summer and build your knowledge base.

It's still blocking and tackling, too ...