Recent content by H&H

  1. H

    Big Game of the Week: Nolan County Showdown

    Man, this was a GREAT game to watch!!! Blackwell hasn’t beat Highland in what, 15 years? But It was a well deserved win!! They had quite a few turnovers but really came back. One of Highalnd’s top players rolled his ankle so I wish we could have seen the finish with him inter game. Another...
  2. H

    Any leads on somewhere/someone who can paint on a football?

    I know someone but he lives in Houston. He can do amazing things with the biggest of items and the very smallest of things. The detail is incredible on his work...just don't let some of the themes scare you off. LOL I know he's done basketballs before...
  3. H

    Why, Why, Why?

    I'm so incredibly sad. The nephew of one of my blogging friends was killed in the senseless shooting and I can't even begin to understand the heartache the parents must have or the mentality of the man that did it. I cried most of the day and it took everything I had not to run to the school...
  4. H

    Win an autographed Aaron Rodgers Football on my blog

    You can guess every day until it's over. And the official number won't be released until December 2nd. State Farm will announce the number publicly, as well as notifying me so I can go through the entries of my own contest. It's been fun to see all the guesses and how different they are!!
  5. H

    Win an autographed Aaron Rodgers Football on my blog

    I'm giving away a $50 amex gift card and an autographed football by Aaron Rodgers ... ublecheck/ Just wanted to share! It ends on Dec 2. You watch the commercial in my post, count the cheeseheads, and guess the number in my comments section. Can be...
  6. H

    Klondike player seriously injured

    Praying for a quick recovery. ~Highland
  7. H

    Game rooms, legal or not, have tacit approval

    If Texas would just make it legal, there wouldn't be all these hoops for everyone to try and jump through. Having owned a gameroom, I know first hand how everyone wants 'a piece of the pie'. While most don't, we chose to go through our local city council before opening ours. We got town...
  8. H

    Texas Bowl Game Pics are posted

    Thanks for the pics!! You even got one of my lil' cowpoke:)
  9. H

    Game in the Garden

    Zachary Glass was the MVP for DIV I
  10. H

    Game in the Garden

    The score was something like 68 -28 DIV I winning. My son did score a touchdown but I'd say the two that shined were #6 Zachary Glass (Water Valley) and #34 Tyler Bushong (Klondike) from DIV I. #8 Denim Reeves (Richland Springs) was pretty great for DIV II. Lots of hard hits, passing...
  11. H

    2012 Texas Bowl

    Just bumping for anyone who might want to attend, you know, just in case you're needing a 6man football fix. Garden City, Kickoff at 7:30pm but football introductions are at 7:10pm.
  12. H

    2012 Texas Bowl

    I can't wait for that. My son is playing in it!
  13. H

    NFL Bounty System

    I'm really surprised to see y'all justifying the action. I guess I imagine some kid being paid to deliberately take out my sons knees.....and for me, that's not okay. There's a difference between playing hard, wanting to get good hits, etc and going out there to hurt someone at any cost. Just...
  14. H

    UIL realignment list

    My only comment is that I wish Highland would have been put back in Div 2.