Recent content by 6mandan

  1. 6

    25 Days of Champions -- 1992 Panther Creek

    Thats a lie about us walking out!! We never skipped our pregame routines and it didn't matter who we played. We didn't ever take anyone lightly!!
  2. 6

    25 Days of Champions -- 1992 Panther Creek

    Cheetah had a pulled hamstring from the semi game and was not able to run circles around them!!!!
  3. 6

    Billy Barnett Passes Away

    RIP my friend. Honored to have called him my fellow coaching friend.
  4. 6

    The Sixman Source

    Muchas Gracias my amigo Lehman......6mandan from the Fort!
  5. 6

    Vicente "Cheetah" Ramirez, Ft Hancock Great, Passes Away

    Rest In Peace my friend, Coach Medina. Will miss talking to you at every football game, basketball game, and baseball game.
  6. 6

    Leman's Record Book

    Leman It's Danny Medina from the Fort. Great Post for all these young men. Yea who would have thunk it that keeping up with TD's/Rushing/Passing/Receiving would come into play later in life. We played we won and we got ready for the next week. Still feel bad we or I didn't do my boys just.
  7. 6

    Leman's Record Book

    To Whom It May Concern, I really feel horrible for many of my ex Mustang Players for not keeping a better tract of game stats. Don't know where they would have fallen in these records but they would have been up there for sure. Great Post!!
  8. 6

    Jerry Miller

    Rest In Peace My Fellow Coach.
  9. 6

    Ft. Hancock question

    Sorry but I won't be in. You can call on me Friday morning. Yea I guess I'm going to have to hear you to know who you are. Be waiting for the call.
  10. 6

    Ft. Hancock question

    Hey Coach Jones how are you doing? On your numbers for the Fort "180" I wish we did have those numbers but in reality we have about 115 kids at the high right now. The state shows us with about 145 but 30 of those kids are not on our campus. They are attending an Early College Program in Fabens...
  11. 6

    6 man History

    At the Fort, numbers are as follows: 121 at the high school and 20 at early college campus at Fabens ISD. Still a little high but you never know.
  12. 6


    In Far Far Far West Texas there was a small town called the Fort who I'm sure had a few good 6-man players on those state championship teams
  13. 6

    Old Six-Man Illustrated Issues

    I might have one or two. I'll check and let you know.
  14. 6

    Sixman trivia

    Fort Hancock 70 wins 1988-1992.
  15. 6

    Six-Man Players Who Played After HS

    Brent Henderson, Ft. Hancock, 1995,96 University of Texas at El Paso.