Wilson ISD

You may want to reconsider applying at Wilson.
That school is all over the Lubbock news channels.

Concerned parents of Wilson ISD brought their concerns to the school board Wednesday night after two teachers were fired and three resigned on the same day.

Wilson ISD Superintendent Russell Schaub explained, "On March 11 in the regular school board meeting, the board took action and terminated the probationary contracts of two teachers. We received three resignations prior to that meeting."

Meeting organizer Kenneth Kendrick told us, "They (the teachers) were denied the right to a grievance process and told that if they went to the school board or over the head of administration there would be retaliation. All complained of a hostile work environment."

Schaub says there was never a problem.

"I've never had a teacher make a claim of a hostile work environment here, to me," he said. "I feel like they wanted to take a different opportunity in a different district."

The total staff at Wilson ISD is 16 teachers. That means more than one quarter were fired or resigned on March 11. Schaub says the school is taking steps to fill the void.

"We go and recruit and try to find the best possible teachers to take their places. The climate here is good, the kids seem happy since the teachers have gone... We're carrying on and trying to educate the kids the best possible way that we can."

Parents were not convinced.

Jane Ryan said, "I came out to support my community. I'm afraid that if we don't do something and do it soon that we are going to be without a school. They need to do away with the ones who are causing the problems and quit firing the teachers, because they're going to get to the point that the teachers are not going to come to this area."

Connie Bilderback said the teachers had legitimate concerns.

"It is unbelievable," Bilderback said. "The teachers can't talk to each other, they can't take their problems to the principal or superintendent. They can't talk to anybody so they have no way to vent anything."

Only eight of twelve letters from teachers were read and no teachers attended the meeting in person, claiming fear of retaliation.

"We've been threatened with being fired multiple times," one letter said.

Another letter said, "Teachers were warned not to talk or associate with fellow teachers."

And another: "We were told we are being watched and there are eyes around the school. If we have issues with that Taco Bell is hiring."
Wilson teachers requesting termination appeal

By KCBD Staff

Updated: 04/01/2014 10:14 pm CDT

The two teachers who were terminated from Wilson ISD last month have now hired legal representation to help with their appeal.Patricia Johnson and Michelle Story have hired Glasheen, Valles, and Inderman to represent them.Back on March 11, the district's school board voted to fire Johnson and Story. The board said the decision was based on what it thought was best for the students.Three other teachers also resigned.Some of the teachers claimed it was a hostile work environment at Wilson ISD and that they were bullied by the administration.We will continue to follow this story as the appeal proceeds.RELATED STORY: Parents confront school board after Wilson ISD loses five teachers in one day
Parents confront school board after Wilson ISD loses five teachers in one day

By Alex Zielinski

Updated: 03/26/2014 11:26 pm CDT
Wilson has 8 jobs posted on the Reg. 17 job board.

Does this mean Obama-Care cost the 8 their jobs......UNEMPLOYMENT UP IN WILSON......
Does this mean Obama-Care has made 8 jobs....EMPLOYMENT ABOUT TO BE STIMULATED IN WILSON....