Apr 1, 2019 #1 P play2win Six-man fan maybe i'm wrong about this but aren't tracks meets held all day starting at 8am on any day monday through friday illegal???
maybe i'm wrong about this but aren't tracks meets held all day starting at 8am on any day monday through friday illegal???
Apr 1, 2019 #2 P pistol Six-man fan You could answer this question for yourself by looking up the rules on the uil website.. but the short answer is no.
You could answer this question for yourself by looking up the rules on the uil website.. but the short answer is no.
Apr 1, 2019 #4 P play2win Six-man fan in the uil manual, i could not find the exception rule to district. interesting that so many host track meets that are illegal.
in the uil manual, i could not find the exception rule to district. interesting that so many host track meets that are illegal.
Apr 2, 2019 #5 P pistol Six-man fan the day of week and start time rule applies to invitationals. I am curious to why youre worked up about this though
the day of week and start time rule applies to invitationals. I am curious to why youre worked up about this though
Apr 2, 2019 #6 Jones26 Six-man pro I guess I wasn’t clear. Technically, it’s not an “exception” for district meets. There are no guidelines about when to hold district meets, there are limitations on invitationals. District Meets can begin any time on any day (except Sunday).
I guess I wasn’t clear. Technically, it’s not an “exception” for district meets. There are no guidelines about when to hold district meets, there are limitations on invitationals. District Meets can begin any time on any day (except Sunday).
Apr 2, 2019 #7 P play2win Six-man fan Thanks coach jones. went out to west texas this past summer and had to stop by and look at yalls facilities. very very nice!
Thanks coach jones. went out to west texas this past summer and had to stop by and look at yalls facilities. very very nice!