Touch Back to the 25?


Six-man fan
ARTICLE 7. a. When a free kick untouched by Team B touches the ground on or behind Team B’s goal line, the ball becomes dead and belongs to Team B.
b. If the result of the free kick is a touchback (Rule 8-6) for Team B, they will put the ball in play at their 25-yard line.

I thought in the past it was a certain distance (20yds?) from Team A restraining line. Is this new for this year? Is this the right application for SixMan? (I did not see anything in the exceptions.)

(6-1/6-1-7) 7. Unless relocated by penalty, the kicking team’s restraining line on a kickoff is the 30 yard line on a six-man field and the 20 yard line for a free kick after safety. The receiving team’s free kick restraining line is 15 yards from the point of kickoff. There is no requirement to have a minimum number of players on either side of the kicker. If the result of a Free Kick is a touchback for Team B, and the placement of the ball is not relocated by penalty, the ball will next be put into play from Team B’s 20 yard line. ... e_2013.pdf
This was a change made last year. Before that, all touchbacks wre placed at the twenty yard line. Last year they made this change putting touchbacks on free kicks (ie kickoffs) at the 25. However exception number 7 says all touchbacks still go to the twenty. The rule you may be thinking of iregarding the ball being put 20 yards from Team A's restraining line is the rule governing a free kick out of bounds, Rule 6-2.