
Wright Thompson the writer is a liberal yahoo, trying to stir hearts and emotions. The dude gets paid by the people and the system he pokes at. One thing in reading the Ira section, there is a regret in anyones life when we look back and realize we could have given more. But the truth is, at that point in time, we are who we are, we did what we did.
I grew up hearing stories about the explosion at New London. My Dad was out of high school for close to a year. He was working as a welders helper on a pipeline that was going in less than a half mile from the New London school. He said that when the explosion happened, everyone around him dropped their tools and took off at a hard run for the school. There were wooden oil derricks on the school grounds itself, he said as they topped a slight rise the first thing that they saw was bodies draped on the oil derricks.....
I actually went to new london or west rusk as it has been called for the last some odd years. It was do vast in to those that are still alive today that endured that tragedy. The new school actually looks just like the old school that blew up which is kinda weird in a way.