TASO Clinic


11-man fan

Louis Koiner of TASO is hosting a FREE 6-man officiating clinic for TASO officials and 6-man coaches. The clinic will be held at the Pflugerville Recreation Center, front meeting room, on the 11th of Sept. starting at 4:00 and ending between 5:30-6:00. The clinic will cover rule changes, clarification, interpretation, emphasis, and rule exception to 6-man football. They will also cover communication with coaches and refs (what is a given by rule, what is courtesy extended by the refs), definitions of holding, defense and offense pass interference, etc. They will also cover some of the tools available online such as 6-man site and HUDL .

There is no cost for this clinic. Please RSVP directly to Louis if you would like to attend the clinic. Hope to see you there!

Louis Koiner
[email protected]
TASO Austin