I just want to clarify to make sure that you're on the same page.
If you have more than one player moving, you have a shift. ALL of those players must come set for one second before someone can legally go in motion and be in motion with the ball is snapped.
"A player in motion at the snap must have satisfied the one-second rule -- i.e., he may not start his motion before any shift has ended."
Example -- As Team A is lining up. A88 and A42 are both moving. A42 comes set and is still for a full second, but A88 continues in motion until the ball is snapped. This is a penalty.
Example -- As Team A is lining up. A88 and A42 are both moving. A42 and A88 both come set for a full second, after which A88 goes in motion until the ball is snapped. This is NOT a penalty.
Hope this helps.