

11-man fan
Rochelle lost most of their school roof from the recent storm. Reported to have water 1ft deep inside building. Wind speeds in excess of 95 mph.
Flats and Smokey, I heard it was torn up badly by several people but as far as they knew, no one was hurt in the school. Usually here in FW teachers are still working in the schools after the kids are already out.
It is probably too early to really talk insurance coverages, damages and such. Will Rochelle decide to reroof, put up a new building, and how far will replacement insurance go in this situation? If you guys from Rochelle are willing to share on some inside talk, there will be people on this board that can gain some valuable experience and knowledge from your loss.
Really wasn't as bad as some have made it seem. The new roof laid over the old roof. The wind ripped off the new roof and rain collected on the edges of the old roof until the weight buckled and the water poured into the school. I believe insurance will cover everything and we will be back in business in a month or 2. We do thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers!!
Maybe enough good farmers and parents will pay it forward and come to help get that school rolling again. You don't have to know anything about Construction except a few. I'm sure that the ones that know will help you along helping them. Wish I could come and help.
Flats I know how it is to lose old trees. I don't how old this one is in the front yard but it's big and starting to lean. I really believe DSH had them trimmed too much. Years ago it looked like Mushroom. Killed all my canna's, I cried and was furious for a long time. He hired a team of guys that swung tree to tree with a rope. They didn't understand what I wanted, they just listened to DSH. Don't DSW's have says in things?