Old Marathon School

Old Bearkat

Six-man expert
Was this the building that the GC head coach and a certain other denizen of this board went to school in?????


http://www.texasescapes.com/TOWNS/Marat ... -Texas.htm
If it was, it was before my time. That looks like the old library building. When I started school in 5th grade there were two schools, Hildalgo Ward (an elementary for hispanics ) and the high school, junior high, and elementary. Later, a new elementary was built.

Guess it will all be a hay barn or something someday.
A team can put itself on the map with State Championship appearances and then something as simple as a highway by-pass or a business closing and they can all but disappear off the Texas map.
Make sure, the vista will get old and when you have to drive 4 hours to shop for groceries, etc. it may dull. Plus, Marathon per se has fallen on hard times and no one knows how long they will be able to keep doors open. Might check out Terlingua, now that is remote.
yes, been to Terlingua! I hope Marathon doesn't fold, that would be a shame. it is pretty remote but that is the beauty of it. it was a haul from Dallas though.
what is their school situation like? do they have athletics?
I remember driving through west Texas in the 90's on I-10 and searching for an FM radio station and the electronic seeker would keep turning, turning and turning. Is Marathon like that?
Marathon has not played football for three or four years. They did not have enough to play boy's basketball this past year. The coaching situation has been a revolving door for a number of years. They do not pay much and there is an element in the community that kept anyone from disciplining the young lads for a number of years. They have had a good coach or two but they will not let them do their job. Money is a problem as there is little tax base. Alpine would like to have the money, but does not want the kids and would be pretty hard to ship what they have left to Alpine and would probably basically turn it into a ghost town.

If you are looking for tunes, try station in Alpine, but a better choice would be satellite radio.

Grew up there, turned down the job there twice, would not go back for all the tea in China. But to each his own, do not care much for some other parts of the state either.
Terlingua itself now has its own isd, the kids now get to attend HS in there home area instead of traveling the longest bus route in america all the way to alpine, friend of mine teaches there and said that they do have a golf team and baseball fields have been complete and the lighting was donated by MLB. Asked about football, and he said they have the numbers to assemble a 6 man program and especially for upcoming years but doesnt know now weather the Dist.will be able to field a team...
how long is that bus route to Alpine? wonder if Terlingua would be willing to travel for football games if a team is made. I'm from the DFW, but fascinated with the area of Marathon/Big bend...

Coach Peters
Seem to remember that those kids rode the bus three hours each way, but I sure may be mistaken. Personally considering the cost of starting a program, I seriously doubt that the money can be found to start football. I think they have played a few basketball games in the past.

Just a note: at one time Presidio was in the district with Marathon, Ft. Davis, and all in basketball, they did not have a gym and all of their games were away. They practiced in a low ceiling room and all had the flattest shot you ever saw.