O'Donnell ISD-Assistant Coach-Possible Head Baseball

O'Donnell ISD is looking for an assistant Coach Possible Head Baseball.

Teaching Field- History

Compensation- 6,500 + 20 days

Insurance- 289.00 towards monthly insurance

Housing Possible.

Contact person:
Daniel Fontenot
[email protected]

Can Fax Resume to: 806-428-3759
If there's nothing going on,
why the attitude?
If we're really a 6man family
on occasion we'll fight.
Better it be out in the open
then in secret.
That's how you get from good to great.
The ENTIRE work day?
Oh the drama.
I admit I do have the kind of schedule,
from a non traditional classroom,
that allows me to spend short burst of time
to jack up an enormous post count! lol.
You're reading and posting too
yet I have no personal attack upon you.
I also check email on several accounts
check the TASA site
and 5 different Region sites
for openings
several times each day.
I get a conf. period
5-8 min. between classes
15 min. before and after school
and a long lunch.
It's really not complicated.
Don't be hatin'.
Just answer the question.
I think this is the job that is on their website now.
Secondary Social Studies is the kicker.
Ol' dopey me ain't got it (SS cert.).