Northern Saskatchewn Football League


11-man fan
I recently found out that the Northern Saskatchewan Football League (Six man ball) has an up-to-date website and broadcasts video of most games live on the internet. The teams in questions are made up of schools on or near native reservations in the northern part of the province of Saskatchewan. When I say north, I mean about 150 miles north of Prince Albert, SK. Look it up on Google Maps to get a feel for how far north this really is...

I will be posting live links whenever I get them however searching for the "Northern Football" on Facebook will also show which games are being shown live... which again are most! Of course, being a fairly new league the football is not up the standards of Richland Springs or Follett but these kids and their communities love the game and deserve our support in my humble opinion.


Facebook Page ... 6054886437

This is great news for everyone on this earth who loves six man ball!
That's right Longhorn and Bjorkdale got murdered. Sadly, there is no longer a Bjorkdale team however I do believe any Bjorkdale student who wants to play football can play at Porcupine Pines (a nearby school).

The Northern Sask. Football League is different in the sense that they do not officially belong to the Saskatchewan High School Athletics Federation... they are their own entity with their own championship. Mainly due to travel distance I would guess. In fact, the southern most town in Saskatchewan (Estevan) is almost as close to Follett, Texas as it is to the most northern team in the Northern Saskatchewan Football League. NOW THAT IS FAR!!!
I watched a few minutes of video on the site. I tell you what, the funky "multiple guys in motion" rule adds a new twist to the sixman we are used to. I bet that would give a few TX coaches nightmares trying to stop.

Word of advice to your filmers- get elevated. Two levels of scaffold or a deer stand work great