Hydration breaks


Six-man fan
We were just wondering here if there is such a thing as mandatory hydration break? Watching a espn high school game they had them in Alabama.
have you been to a game? did you see them stop the game so everyone can get a drink? thats why they have coaches, managers, trainers etc on the sidelines to supply fluids etc before during and after the game
TASO experimented with trying to mandate the mid-quarter breaks in recent seasons, but this is no longer implemented. We found that the breaks between scores, time-outs, and other regular stoppages of play were enough for the players and other involved personnel to hydrate without further forced breaks in the action.
unfortunately to many officials are trying to speed the game up and hurry kids in and out of huddle. In week 0 and 1 the breaks need to be longer in 6 man since the same kids are most often playing off/def/specialteams. Our kids need time to hydrate.
everyone keeps coming back to kids playing both way we did too in 11 man only time i came off was kickoffs... we had most of our team playing both ways in the late 70's. nothing to drink in practice games we got two 12ox cans of gatorade, at half time.. i think most all schools were the same.. i know our district was at least...
if you hrdrated and practice like you play you will find the issues that need addressing. oh and hydration should be at least three days before
hydration is more like a state of being,
than something you just do during workouts.
Hmmmm.....how very Zen like of you.

I like that about you!!

Would you care to share your thoughts
on all those soda's and canned drinks
and their effects on a developing athletes body?
I wonder if Alabama is the only state that does this. Seems weak. But after observing the overweight offensive and defensive players on both sides, I would understand their concerns .