Homage to Don Hardin

Leman Saunders

Six-man expert
In homage to Don Hardin I have decided to create a user account for the message board with my real name...just as Don had.

This is Leman Saunders, also known as oneday, wishing "Good Football" to you Don!
I REALLY respect what you guys are doing.

since I'm not the kind of guy
who has this burning desire to know,
I thought/think that the not knowing
was half the fun (for me at least).
Dogface is just an outspoken friend of mine.

Me, on the other hand, is kinda boring.

I salute you.

I got the impression that Don was ok with whichever.
I wouldn't really want to change mine, but I will add a signature, I have no reservations with anyone knowing my non super hero name.