I wanted to share a video that really hits home with me:
I was not "saved" until i was 35 years old, this video speaks to those who DID take the time to share with me, if not I would be of been damned for all of eternity.
These that do not want prayer in school and wants God to stay out makes me mad. When I was in HS in Gordon I did not believe but I still hit a knee before every game and said the Lord's Prayer. On the sidelines I held my helmet and bowed my head while those around me said a PUBLIC prayer. Did it hurt me as a nonbeliever for others to do that? NO!!! Why do people speak out about this and want to stop it? I believe they are desperate for the attention, it boils down to the very basics.
The Lord has put many nonbelievers before me on the internet to work with. The ones that really do not believe do not care what the Christians do, it does not matter to them. That is why I believe it is a desperate cry for help when someone speaks against God.
Time is short and those nonbelievers that have been put before me scares me. I pray for them daily and I share every chance I get with them. I do NOT want them to write that letter to me.
Live our life so it is a testimony to others? I agree 100%. My FaceBook page reflects my love of the Lord. Many of the nonbelievers stay my friend even after they see my page and they see that if I do a post it is going to be for God, not the BS we see so often on there. It shows me that they really do want to be "convinced".
Having said all of this I have not once brought anyone to the Lord. We do not do that, the Lord does. We just share with them and give the Holy Spirit a window to get in.
I am very passionate about the Lord and I do take every opportunity to talk about Him. Ask Cowboy, when we talk on the phone 6-Man gets about 5 minutes and the rest is all spent on the Lord. LOL
Thank you for sharing this thread and sharing the Word. May we all take a little good away with us from all of this.
Bless all of you,