For all the believers


11-man fan
Two years ago I lost my best friend at the young age of 22.. We were baptized at 12.. He died after wrecking his motorcycle on impact.. I never shared the gospel with him after being baptized.. It's the biggest regret I've ever felt.. I urge you as Christians to not hide your faith, but share it with your loved ones through testimony and the way you live your lives.. Don't find yourself in the same shoes I have found myself in... You never know when someone's time is up... God bless
For years I thought of the separation of church and state plus that is what I was taught, however after reading and studying I have come to the opinion there is nothing that states this. Believing the part that all Americans have rights to believe as we see fit.. I have watched the special interest groups with the help of the liberal politicians erode the rights that I have ... why was this allowed to happen partly because we as believers stood silently by turning the other cheek as what I was taught in Sunday school as a youngster.
I know now in my heart that this is not at all what was meant to be... the silent majority is us of faith and it is high time we stand up for our beliefs and remove those who have done all they can to take away the freedoms that men and women have died for. I’m not trying to force my way of believing down your throat even if it would be for your best interest but I refuse to allow others to take away my rights not only in my home in my church but in my school in the public, I will not hide or stand back or be shouted down by the nay Sayers. I challenge myself to be a better Christian than I was yesterday, to stand up for the rights of the unsaved to hear to feel to have the opportunity to hear about eternal life not only in church on Sunday but each day....
Oh far be it for me to throw down a path and say follow me I have stepped outside the line and the narrow path to many a time.. but through the grace of God the light has peered through the darkness, because men and women stood up and took the blows for me someone they never knew (me).
Jesus did pay the ultimate price for me a sinner that never could do enough good deeds to have the opportunity to sweep the streets of my eternal home.
I do hope that we all stand to fight for our future as Christians Soldiers, because believe it or not we are in a daily war. I wish the best for you all..
whenpigsfly":30p0502d said:
Two years ago I lost my best friend at the young age of 22.. We were baptized at 12.. He died after wrecking his motorcycle on impact.. I never shared the gospel with him after being baptized.. It's the biggest regret I've ever felt.. I urge you as Christians to not hide your faith, but share it with your loved ones through testimony and the way you live your lives.. Don't find yourself in the same shoes I have found myself in... You never know when someone's time is up... God bless

I am proud of you!! thanks for sharing and it coming from your heart
It took me losing my closest friend to realize that not sharing what we know to be true is selfish... And I don't want to have it happen to anybody in any of my families.. Including the six man family.. Thanks for yalls support..
Kbjoe is right. We should stand up and speak out. Thank you for this thread. Maybe some of those who read it will take the advice offered. God bless the sixman family!
In a related story;

I was pleased to be at a game where the announcer
(a pastor of a local church)
after reading the standard UIL pre-game speech
flat out
told everyone to stand while he gave an Invocation.
Not a moment of silence, not a dinner/bedtime prayer
a full-on prayer for all players safety, teamwork, sportsmanship
and traveling mercy for all on the way back home.
He didn't ask permission or apologize.

Jus wondren',
how many other places are so bold.
my home town isn't.
I wanted to share a video that really hits home with me:

I was not "saved" until i was 35 years old, this video speaks to those who DID take the time to share with me, if not I would be of been damned for all of eternity.

These that do not want prayer in school and wants God to stay out makes me mad. When I was in HS in Gordon I did not believe but I still hit a knee before every game and said the Lord's Prayer. On the sidelines I held my helmet and bowed my head while those around me said a PUBLIC prayer. Did it hurt me as a nonbeliever for others to do that? NO!!! Why do people speak out about this and want to stop it? I believe they are desperate for the attention, it boils down to the very basics.

The Lord has put many nonbelievers before me on the internet to work with. The ones that really do not believe do not care what the Christians do, it does not matter to them. That is why I believe it is a desperate cry for help when someone speaks against God.

Time is short and those nonbelievers that have been put before me scares me. I pray for them daily and I share every chance I get with them. I do NOT want them to write that letter to me.

Live our life so it is a testimony to others? I agree 100%. My FaceBook page reflects my love of the Lord. Many of the nonbelievers stay my friend even after they see my page and they see that if I do a post it is going to be for God, not the BS we see so often on there. It shows me that they really do want to be "convinced".

Having said all of this I have not once brought anyone to the Lord. We do not do that, the Lord does. We just share with them and give the Holy Spirit a window to get in.

I am very passionate about the Lord and I do take every opportunity to talk about Him. Ask Cowboy, when we talk on the phone 6-Man gets about 5 minutes and the rest is all spent on the Lord. LOL

Thank you for sharing this thread and sharing the Word. May we all take a little good away with us from all of this.

Bless all of you,
