Darrouzett ISD Needs games


Six-man observer
Darrouzett is a new 1A D2 high school on the panhandle of Texas. Seeking girls basketball games for the high school. We will be girls only this year. We will be wildcatting this season, but would like to play a schedule to prepare for next year. Will play 1 or 2A varsity or 1,2,3A JV or Freshmen teams. Private schools also. Contact Coach Chunn at [email protected] or call
(806) 624 2221. Thanks
Right now we have 98 which is a lot higher than we thought in the first year. Most of our high school is girls at present so the high school boys football program is on hold unless we get a lot of transfers in between now and end of year. Realistically we are looking at district play in football in 2010. May be able to wild cat through the next alignment. We have a full junior high boys and girls program. Plan to be in district next year in basketball, cross country, track, golf and tennis.
Did all the boys stay at Booker to play football?

BTW....will the loss f the Darrouzett kids mean that Boooker might be going 6 man?
Yep a Jaytonite :D I be but much older than the ones you probably know. Little brothers, as I am one of 9. Darrouzett just went over 106 mark (K-12) and still climbing. Heck we may make it up to 11 man numbers. Don't really know how Booker will be affected but they can go 6-man I think right now but have chosen to stay in 11. It will be an exciting year here and I look forward to getting the football program on line and adding to the six-man ranks in the near future. You might see us in the old Jayton classic playing someone from the east side of the state here in a few years if they are still having it. Great Mascot here too. :D
I don't know sir, I am pretty old, so might be surprised. If you played at Jayton and played sixman, its a given. Heard some of local schools are playing you all this year, that right? Just what I heard.
First of all, post should have read I heard some of local school aren't playing you this year, cause they are mad you are pulling kids out of their schools. Anyway and to Bearkat, their mascot can't be buffalo, the ugly whites killed them all back in the day to subdue the native americans. So had to be Longhorn. Sounds good anyway. Kat you have been sniffing the cooling pond too long.
Don't know what the old mascot was but now we are Longhorns and our colors are red, white and blue. Most of the local schools are playing us in junior high. Next year the locals will have to play us in everything but football because we will more than likely all be in the same district. Football may have to wait until 2010 but I think we will be ready to wildcat 2009. I am still hoping to get the numbers to start next year but most of the high school boys are already established in other schools and I figure it will be our 7th graders this year that will be the first varsity team to take the field for Darrouzett. That class has 16 kids. I am still looking for high school girls basketball games. So far I have 3. Would like to play 12-15 and a few tournaments if possible. Keep us in mind next year when your making your schedules. Thanks - Coach C
What was the motivation for re-forming Darrouzett HS and taking the district independent again? Did the population grow there in the reverse of the rest of West Texas? And did Booker and the other districts get a vote in splitting off?