Cherokee Homecoming Cancelled

No rumor it is explained by coach Shely on the week 4 score thread. No officials showed up for game and PC did not want to make another trip. That is my understanding.........
The Chapter secretary replied that it was a situation where it fell through crack. Have had a problem with scheduling software since beginning. Not really sure why but I was not getting any notification of officials, when got into the software they had me listed five different times in different places, so maybe that was problem. Anyway, the rest is how it occurred and I feel extremely bad about situation. I had contacted chapter and both sides thought everything was peachy and assumed (there is that word) was okay. Well, it was not and had a bunch of disappointed fans, so all can say is "Sorry, it happened and steps will be taken to make sure it does not again." I am not sure what good would come from contacting UIL, technology is great but sometimes mistakes happen.

Coach Shely
Forgive me but---------------

There was a time when coaches and secretaries had a personal connection. They knew each others voice on the phone and much to each of their knowledge knew what was going on before there was ever a complaint. Now with zebra ware and arbiter there is no communication, and most of them have have never had a conversation much less have it in person.
Not too many years ago the chapter secretary had every thing in a spiral notebook and kept 180 plus officials and 50 plus schools in order and did it without an answering machine, computer, or his wife answering the phone. And when the coach called and said " that sorry sob you sent me Friday was a royal screw up" the conversation would usually end on good terms and the offending official having his priorities rearranged and coming to the next game in a better frame of mind. Now the not so capable official gets a not so very important game and hopefully the rest of the crew can keep him covered up.

My rant for the week
One of the things I used to like about the Austin TASO chapter when I was at Seguin Lifegate was that one of the officiating crew would call or email me (or the athletic director after I stepped down) and confirm their crew was coming to the game, be it junior high or varsity. And this was AFTER they went to ZebraWare ...

It was a pretty good reminder that all was set for that part of the game -- and I guess I was so spoiled that I really didn't think what I'd do if I didn't get that call or email, but I guess a quick call to the scheduling secretary (a good chapter needs to take good care if they have a quality scheduling secretary, even if they use the online scheduling programs, because stuff still happens) would have been in order to confirm the crew for the game.
When I first read the thread title I thought how sad. I thought it was about the kid's at Cherokee not getting to experience a Homecoming Game. And it is in a sense. But it exposes a bigger issue, and a need for planning.
All of the suggestions are correct. I accept the responsibility, but have not had any info about officials yet this season because of some glitch in Arbitrator, was not out of character when did not hear from chapter. Hind sight is 20-20. Have not had anything like that happen in over 30 years, but will know better now.
A couple years ago we were playing Panther Creek at Rochelle and no officials showed for the game. Luckily I knew that RS had a home game and it would end by halftime. I called up my aunt and had her walk down to the white hat and asked him if he would mind coming to our game after theirs was over. Kickoff started at 9:30 but we got to play. It happens....
Dear Cherkee people,

Jest how many wall-eyed hissys wuz done throwd over thiz? And I done mean the public kind of hissy. I knowd there wuz dozens of private hissys throwd in living room across southern San Saba county. But I iz atalkin' bout them kind of meltdowns only a momma can done do over a $50 waste of good money on a mum that only gits haf wore. HPD, if yew done need sum PR advice I iz knowd as professional in these part of takin' a bad situation (aka a steamin' pile) and done turnin' it into gold (aka the bs flip aroun').