Apr 30, 2014 #1 C Count Coog 11-man fan Does any one know when we will hear who was awarded the opportunity?
Apr 30, 2014 #2 H HP Drifter 11-man fan You asking about coaches, players, what? Football, girls basketball, boys basketball?
May 1, 2014 #3 C Count Coog 11-man fan players for the boys or girls basketball all star game that will occur in Wichita Falls.
May 5, 2014 #5 H HP Drifter 11-man fan you try contacting Kyle Hauk at Loraine or Darrian Dover at Meadow. They would be the folks in the know.
you try contacting Kyle Hauk at Loraine or Darrian Dover at Meadow. They would be the folks in the know.