Basketball scores January 20th

The Motley Fool

Six-man fan

Santa Anna 41 Zephyr 39
Loraine 66 Trent 49
Westbrook 76 Ira 48
Vernon Northside 62 Harrold 44
Aspermont 56 Woodson 9
Baird 54 May 19
Gorman 64 Moran 25
Huckabay 52 Morgan 27
Throckmorton 45 Abilene Ladyhawks 39
Garden City 40 Sterling City 38
Water Valley 77 Veribest 21
Rochelle 49 Eden 23
Happy 25 Nazareth 17
Lazbuddie 47 Hart 19
Miami 63 Follett 48
Groom 51 Lefors 24
McLean 48 Hedley 45
Claude 68 Adrian 38
Kress 48 Silverton 46
Cotton Center 43 Amherst 40
Meadow 83 Wilson 15
Lorenzo 91 Lubbock Harmony 21
Anton 71 Petersburg 27
New Home 48 Southland 25
O'Donnell 60 Loop 35
San Isidro 65 Tilden McMullen County 54
Lasara 62 Corpus Christi Prep 27
San Perlita 66 Bruni 32


Trent 9-12, 2-6
Loraine 16-8, 5-2
Westbrook 13-9, 4-3
Ira 6-18, 2-6
Aspermont 22-5, 4-1
May 4-17, 2-3
Gorman 8-11, 4-1
Huckabay 13-9, 4-1
Throckmorton 18-8, 4-0
Garden City 22-4, 9-0
Sterling City 18-8, 5-4
Veribest 3-13, 0-8
Water Valley 13-8, 5-4
Rochelle 23-0, 8-0
Happy 8-13, 5-0
Nazareth 17-8, 4-1
Lazbuddie 16-8, 2-3
Miami 19-9, 4-0
Follett 13-8, 3-1
Groom 9-12, 2-2
Lefors 1-14, 0-4
Cotton Center 9-14, 1-4
Anton 11-14, 4-1
Lubbock Harmony 0-14
Lorenzo 23-1, 7-1
New Home 20-1, 7-0
O'Donnell 16-11, 4-5
Harrold 0-4
Woodson 1-4
Baird 5-0
Moran 1-4
Eden 2-6
Hart 0-5
Amherst 0-5
Petersburg 2-3
Meadow 5-3
Southland 2-5
Loop 3-6

Zephyr 74 Santa Anna 17
Ira 90 Westbrook 35
Roby 51 Highland 23
Trent 55 Loraine 33
Vernon Northside 72 Harrold 39
Luders-Avoca 55 Paint Creek 36
Throckmorton 75 Rule 10
Aspermont 48 Woodson 42 in Overtime
May 79 Baird 39
Gorman 77 Moran 19
Huckabay 103 Morgan 26
Lometa 55 Cherokee 32
Lohn 50 Menard 45
San Angelo Grape Creek 49 Sterling City 48
Water Valley 75 Veribest 13
Hart 47 Lazbuddie 44
Nazareth 59 Happy 48
Lefors 41 Groom 39
McLean 67 Hedley 43
Claude 74 Adrian 40
Kress 66 Silverton 40
Whitharral 72 Whiteface 24
Amherst 39 Cotton Center 25
Meadow 88 Wilson 37
New Home 47 Southland 37
O'Donnell 69 Loop 30
San Isidro 65 Tilden McMullen County 54
Lasara 62 Corpus Christi Prep 27
San Perlita 66 Bruni 32


Zephyr 17-4, 6-0
Ira 15-5, 5-1
Highland 5-16, 2-4
Roby 6-17, 5-1
Trent 11-11, 5-1
Vernon Northside 15-5, 3-2
Harrold 6-11, 1-4
Paint Creek 2-13, 0-3
Throckmorton 11-1, 4-0
Woodson 15-7, 2-2
Aspermont 15-6, 3-1
May 16-4, 5-0
Gorman 13-7, 4-1
Huckabay 14-7, 3-0
Cherokee 7-7, 2-4
Lometa 12-7, 5-1
Sterling City 11-4, 4-2
Water Valley 21-1, 7-0
Veribest 7-9, 1-6
Hart 8-12, 2-2
Lazbuddie 6-11, 1-3
Happy 9-7, 2-2
Nazareth 15-10, 4-0
Groom 5-11, 1-3
Lefors 6-9, 1-3
Kress 13-8, 3-1
Whiteface 6-16, 1-4
Whitharral 16-6, 5-0
Amherst 6-9, 3-2
Cotton Center 1-17, 0-5
Meadow 13-5, 7-0
Southland 13-9, 3-4
New Home 17-4, 6-1
O'Donnell 17-7, 7-2
Westbrook 0-6
Loraine 1-5
Luders-Avoca 2-1
Rule 0-4
Baird 2-3
Moran 1-3
Morgan 0-4
Lohn 5-1
Menard 4-2
Wilson 2-5
Loop 0-8
Knox City at Crowell, Varsity Boys.

Game played on 1-19 due to County stock show weekend.

Crowell 50 - Knox City 38

Crowell is 5-0 in district play.

Big thanks to The Motley Fool for posting the scores each week!! I can never seem to find more than a handful. I have been trying to look at a possible playoff scenerio but can't find any standings.
Been able to find most of my stuff from online but divison 2 scores the hardest to find, people are rarelly turning them in, don't know if its because of local media wont print them or the schools themselves have gave up trying or for other reasons.