All State Question


Six-man expert
I should probably just PM Leman on this but thought Granger, OBK or someone else might know something too.
Does anyone know where I can find prior years All State listings anymore? They were listed on the old sixman coaches association website that is no longer active. The new site has an icon for them but subs to 2015 only with nothing listed under it. They used to go back through about 2000. It would be nice to be able to look further back than that. I don't know when they started selecting all state teams for sixman. I guess not before they started having state championships in what was it 71 or 72? Were there maybe all region teams prior to that?
Thx SS. No login for pigskin needed but nothing about sixman I saw. Six M 07 I Saw this one in a google search myself, thanks though for responding, state game scores there, nothing about All State Players.
Maybe the info is locked in a vault in that mysterious where is it at (?) Iron Mountain.
I guess it could have national security or political implications.