A long time ago, I remember that one of the then two SA papers ran a story about the life of a small town (1A) football coach/ad ... coach, teacher, bus driver, laundry, groundskeeper, trainer ... kinda like how it is if you're at a small private school and have a "full time" job as opposed to a volunteer coach.
Reminds me about the guy who told me once he had a job where he only worked half-days. He could choose to work from 6 am to 6 pm or 6 pm to 6 am.
Oh, and I was listening to Fox Business Channel this evening, John Stossel's show. He was comparing Texas and California and I caught a segment (pretty short, by the way) of "advantages" that California has over Texas. Two examples he gave were that Texas requires professional shampooers to pass two exams and pay a $100 licensening fee and limits athletic coaching to full-time school teachers.